Mario Carmona Rice Golf

College Golf Recruiting

Why you’re not getting recruited to play college golf. 

The most common myth out there is “if you are good enough to play, they will find you”. That could not be more false. With golf Mario Carmona Rice Golfrecruiting budgets that average $500 annually, how is small school in Arizona going to find the quality high school player in Texas junior golf?

If you are not getting emails and phone calls from college golf coaches, chances are you – you are not pulling your weight when it comes to the college golf recruiting process. And it has nothing to do with how you play golf!

If you are not spending one her per week on the college golf recruiting process, you are doing yourself a disservice. Unless you are ranked in the top 100 on national junior golf scoreboard, chances are you will not be hearing from many college coaches. Sure, the kids that are competitive on the national level will get found at some point, but even they have to market themselves to get noticed by their favorite schools.

Tournament scheduling:

There are many options for junior golf tournaments. You need to be educated and choose your tournaments very carefully. There are some tournaments you want to play that are cost effective and provide valuable experience for a junior golfer. Then there are tournaments that college golf coaches attend to find recruits. Do your research and find the tournaments that best fit your situation.

Tips to getting recruited for golf:

1. Market yourself! Put together a letter, resume, and golf recruiting video for college coaches. Send it to a wide variety of schools!

2. Follow up constantly! Bi-weekly emails and phone calls are essential to making sure you get noticed by schools.

3. Tournament scheduling. Do your research! Game plan the tournaments that best fit your budget and experience.

It is wise to seek professional help from a college golf advisor on how to navigate the college golf recruiting process. If you are reading this blog, you are in the right place! Contact us today and lets gets started!

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